Cloud Computing Services


Cloud Computing Services

Enterprise IT runs 24x7x365 today. Networks, servers, storage, firewalls, enterprise applications, cloud services, end-user infrastructure have to be “Always-On”.

Hybrid clouds, diverse technologies, growing security concerns, and business continuity planning, are intrinsic to every business.

To proactively avoid breakdowns, remediating incidents, leveraging the smartest skillsets with SLAs, and control costs, IT heads are looking at experts for IT Service Management.

For the last 13 years, our Network Operations Center (NOC) has been managing enterprise infrastructure for global companies.

Our shared service management provides 24x7 enterprise infrastructure management, cloud service management, and BCP/DR support, from all our locations on our “Always-On” secure cloud.

Our Centre of Excellence

Driving Top-class Delivery

Industry-standard ITIL process, compliance adherence plus customized run books
Smart governance ensuring seamless communication, visibility, and insights
Constant skill upgrades of resources and early technology adoption
Automation, health-check, analytics including ML for alert and ticket data

Our Services

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